With the acclaimed 1987 series Ramayan, the 'Sagar' brand rose to global prominence. The 78-episode narrative became the world's most watched TV series, revolutionizing television and home video entertainment in India. This success elevated Doordarshan's stature as a national broadcaster and spurred growth across industries like advertising and FMCG.
Ramanand Sagar was honoured with the Milestone of Indian Television Award in 2001 by the ITA Awards
Ramanand Sagar’s Ramayan, one of the most-watched television series worldwide, digitally adapts the Sanskrit epic Ramayana. This series features a celebrated cast portraying the story of the righteous Ram (Arun Govil), his devoted wife Sita (Dipika Chikalia), and loyal brother Lakshman (Sunil Lehri). When Ram obeys his stepmother Kaikayi’s decree and enters a 14-year exile, Sita and Lakshman accompany him. Their peaceful exile is disrupted when the Asura King of Lanka, Raavan, kidnaps Sita with intentions to marry her. Ram embarks on a series of adventures, aided by the devoted Hanuman (Dara Singh), to rescue Sita and return her to Ayodhya.